Crow Hill Rugs are authentic, traditional, beautiful, durable, hand woven, "rag" rugs.
For 35 years I have made them by weaving together strong cotton/poly rug warp and an ecologically friendly mix of recycled clothing and new fabric scrap.
My large powerful loom is equipped with locking gears that maintain warp tension. As a result, Crow Hill Rugs rugs are woven tight and flat.
Due to their excellent structure, Crow Hill Rugs are MACHINE WASHABLE.
The process of making Crow Hill Rugs is both physical and aesthetic.
I enjoy:
the physical demands of weaving fabric scrap into large functional rugs
creating color contradictions, like blues that appear hot instead of cool
infusing banded repetitions with multiple color shifts to create the illusions of transparency, depth, and movement
using the interactions of color to generate emotional resonance.
Carol Blackmore